Birmingham Bulletin Survey 2015

Closed 17 Apr 2015

Opened 17 Mar 2015

Feedback updated 28 May 2015

We asked

For your opinions on the Birmingham Bulletin.

You said

Of those who answered the survey 95% expressed satisfaction with the Birmingham Bulletin. 87% felt the monthly frequency of the bulletin was about right and 82% felt the length of the Bulletin was about right. 86% felt more informed about council projects as a result of reading the bulletin.

We did

We now include more news and information - and have reduced the number of headings to make way for this - so that overall, the bulletin is a similar length. We have added ‘click through’ buttons for the Events and Newsroom websites, which makes it easier for subscribers to find out more news from Birmingham city Council. We have also added a link to the Keep in Touch service to allow people to sign up for more email alerts from BCC.


Tell us what you think about the Birmingham Bulletin. Please help us to make improvements to this email newsletter.




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