We Asked, You Said, We Did

Below are some of the issues we have recently consulted on and their outcomes.

We asked

For your views and experiences of road safety in your locality particularly with regards to enforcement and reporting of incidents. 

You said

212 responses were received to the survey.

We did

Thank you to all those who provided their views. Feedback and results of the survey was included in the Inquiry Report presented for Full Council on 3rd December 2024 where all of the recommendations were agreed for implementation. The tracking of progress made on the implementation will be undertaken by the Sustainability & Transport Overview & Scrutiny Committee and will begin in 6 months time (first report back in Summer 2025). Recommendations will continue to be monitored until concluded. 

We asked

We asked for comments on the proposal by the Governing Body of Baskerville School, to remove boarding provision on 1st April 2025.

You said

Three responses were received via the website from parents/carers of pupils registered at the school and all comments were in objection.

We did

The anonymised comments were shared with the Governing Body of the school and they confirmed that they would like the City Council to make a decision.

The anonymised comments were shared with the decision maker, Birmingham City Council's Cabinet Member for Children Young People and Families. On 18th September 2024 the Cabinet Member approved the Governing Body's proposal to remove the boarding provision from Baskerville School from 1st April 2025, for the following key reasons:

The residential space has not been used since September 2023. There are no pupils on roll at the school with boarding as part of their Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), and there has been no demand for this boarding provision as part of pupils’ EHCP's for many years.

Some pupils on roll at the school previously used the residential space for extra-curricular activities, including staying overnight and afterschool activities. Though the school had made use of the residential space for pupils, which may have attracted parents to the school, there are no pupils at the school with boarding as part of their EHCP. The school and City Council officers recognise the disappointment that pupils and families may experience by the removal of the extra-curricular activities.

We asked

An application was submitted by community members in Small Heath for the Council to consider the designation of a Neighbourhood Planning Forum and Neighbourhood Plan area boundary. The application was publicised for consultation to consider your views in accordance with Neighbourhood Planning regulations from Wednesday 8th May to Thursday 20 June 2024

Comments received were taken in to account towards a designation decision by the Deputy Leader, the Cabinet Member for Economy and Skills.

The application includes the proposed geographic Neighbourhood Plan boundary, a statement of how community members meet the regulations to become the relevant body to prepare a Neighbourhood Development Plan, a proposed constitution and details of consultation events held in the area.

For more information on Neighbourhood Planning and a copy of the application, visit the Council website 

Neighbourhood planning progress | Neighbourhood planning | Birmingham City Council

You said

A strong local public response was received with a significant number of supportive comments in favour of the NP application. The main topics raised in support:

  • Progress and need for positive change and development in a deprived area to allow it to thrive.
  • A plan being led by members of the community and coming together to make a difference.
  • Area boundary correctly part of Small Heath
  • The Neighbourhood Forum, community members- its progress/ ideas, working groups.
  •  Significant support for themes the group intend to include in a NP
  • Green open space improvements and youth initiatives
  • Improvements to the High Street/Coventry Road, need to reflect business needs.
  • Reduction of poverty, crime and litter.
  • Knighthead Capital Management (‘KCM’), owner of St Andrews football ground (home to Birmingham City Football Club) support the Forum and boundary and ambitions to further the social, economic and environmental well-being of stakeholders and the community within the area boundary. KCM is a key stakeholder in the local area and should be included within the working groups and would welcome the opportunity to engage further on the developing Neighbourhood Plan.

There were 3 Objections received in total.  A summary of issues raised in objection are:

  • Closed meetings, selective individuals were invited, not widely published. Lack of resident knowledge and engagement.
  • No confidence in a plan we know nothing about. The Council is not working with the whole community, self-benefitting and lack of transparency. Councillors are not informed on NP. Lack of engagement by NP lead.
  • There are Councillors, MPs, and council departments to tackle issues not independent people with business / self-interest, engaging parts of community but not all. A back door appraoch, local residents need to be listened to.



We did

The responses received were considered in the Cabinet member decision to approve the designation of Small Heath Neighbourhood Forum and Neighbourhood area on 8th August 2024.

Neighbourhood Forum designation The proposed NP Forum was considered to be in accordance with NP regulations and established for the purpose of promoting or improving the social, economic and environmental well-being of the area as outlined in the application.

The emerging Forum was considered in accordance with NP regulations to have taken reasonable steps to secure membership of 21 members (to include at least one individual who lives or works in the neighbourhood area and one elected member of the Council) and from different sections of the community and area. Evidence of wide ranging consultation events held were reviewed in the decision.

In response to a small number of objections, the Council will continue to support the process with the aim that residents are given the opportunity to be involved in the neighbourhood plan process at any stage and that  the process is open and accessible to all community members and representatives, as appropriate. This is the first stage of the process, the proposed themes the Forum wish to explore towards creating a neighbourhood pan are set out in the application.

  • Local planning (incorporating housing and employment)
  • Open spaces and green spaces
  • Planning and development of the Coventry Road
  • Reduction of poverty and promotion of opportunities for residents and businesses
  • Youth initiatives and development

It is considered that reasonable attempts and advertisement has been made by the emerging Neighbourhood Forum to engage with the local community and explain the process,  and we will support that positive engagement continues.

Councillors and local MP’s and ward contact lists which include resident and community groups have been regularly informed.

Area Boundary Designation The  NP area boundary  was considered to be an appropriate boundary in accordance with regulations, in terms of physical geography and existing planning and regeneration strategies in the area. There are no specific objections to the area boundary.  

Next steps

The Neighbourhood Planning Forum will now start to gather an evidence base and apply for government funded support to draft the Neighbourhood Development Plan and will lead formal consultation with the local community. The Neighbourhood Development Plan is subject to an independent examination and a local referendum before it is made. Please see the Council website for more information on Neighbourhood Planning.

Want to get involved?

If you wish to get involved in a neighbourhood plan for Small Heath at any time, please contact the emerging Neighbourhood Plan Forum smallheathplan@outlook.com

Contact us: Developmentplanninggroup@birmingham.gov.uk or NDSU@birmingham.gov.uk

We asked

Between 7 May 2024 and 9 June 2024, we ran a consultation on design proposals for the second phase of the Kings Heath & Moseley Places for People scheme.

We consulted on two packages of measures:

  • Package 1: improvements to phase 1 measures to the west of Kings Heath High Street including the York Road pedestrian zone.
  • Package 2: new measures being introduced to the east of Kings Heath High Street including modal filters, one-way streets, and physical traffic calming.

You said

The consultation received over 1000 responses. The main comments are summarised below:

  • Concerns about wayfinding on Howard Road due to the position of the modal filter on Colmore Road.
  • Requests for additional bollards to prevent drivers from bypassing the modal filters by using footways and verges and presenting a risk of collision with pedestrians.
  • Simplify the local movement loops by making Waterloo Road one way.
  • Consider where there is benefit in retaining two-way movement if it does not change the ethos of the scheme.
  • Consider further measures to help alleviate congestion on Institute Road.
  • Minimise loss of on-street parking.
  • Concerns about traffic increase and speeding along Clarence Road and Gaddesby Road due to drivers using it instead of Billesley Lane and Springfield Road.

We did

Based on the feedback received, the following amendments have been made to the package 1 and package 2 measures:

Package 1 amendments:

  • The Colmore Road modal filter will remain in its current position rather than being moved to the junction with Howard Road, to enable direct access to properties on this section of Howard Road.
  • Additional bollards will be installed around the modal filters on All Saints Road and Hazelhurst Road to ensure traffic is unable to bypass these by driving over the grassed areas.
  • Waterloo Road will be made one-way from York Road to South Road.
  • Westfield Road to remain two-way

Package 2 amendments:

  • Goldsmith Road will be made one-way from Institute Road to Drayton Road.
  • The proposed modal filter at the junction of Springfield Road and Melton Road will be repositioned away from the roundabout so that access to the area used for off-street parking is maintained.
  • Extend the one-way restriction on Poplar Road from Valentine Road up to the Asda entrance.
  • Relocate the proposed modal filter at the junction of School Road and Ashfield Road to the junction of Ashfield Road and Ashfield Avenue to retain access to garages behind properties on School Road.
  • Retain the existing crossing location on Billesley Lane by One-Stop (north of Westlands Road) but upgrade this to a zebra crossing and install high-friction surfacing.
  • Additional traffic calming measures will be installed at Gaddesby Road, Clarence Road and the section of Springfield Road between the junctions with Billesley Lane and Addison Road.

All of the design proposals are now complete and are going through the city council’s internal review process.

An updated programme for delivery can be found on the BCC website.

We asked

Between 22 January 2024 and 1 March 2024, feedback was sought on how individuals, businesses and organisations wanted to see routes improved to help increase walking, wheeling and cycling across the area. The consultation received 251 responses to the online survey and a number of in-person sessions were held across the area. Further information was circulated informing residents and businesses/organisations about the consultation, such as:

  • Printed leaflets
  • Paper copies of the questionnaire
  • Existing stakeholder/community contacts and networks 

You said

Feedback was received for all of the proposed corridors (see Scheme Map below). Corridor A was scored as the highest priority although feedback was received for all options in relation to existing levels of traffic, parking, road safety and crossing points. Some positive feedback was received but further details were requested on specific details around the design of proposals.  Other factors affecting respondents’ attitudes towards active travel revolved around the condition of the local area including pollution, crime, parked vehicles and a lack of green space. Existing congestion, parking and road safety issues were also raised alongside issues with crossing roads, accessibility and a lack of confidence/education for walkers/cyclists. In general, there was clear support for: 

  • Improving the surroundings and quality of the streetscape
  • Improving road safety within the study area
  • Improving footways, crossing points and footpaths

Concern was raised about the impacts of the proposals on car drivers and parking with concerns raised over the lack of available parking, poor alternative public transport and the prevalence of the car as the preferred mode of travel. Several respondents questioned the usefulness of the proposals with regard to existing provision such as that on Bolton Road.  

We did

Over the coming months, we will take the findings of the consultation into consideration, directly influencing the vision of the scheme and design of the shortlisted packages.  We will also work closely with the Councillors for the Bordesley Green ward and the Cabinet Member for Transport, to facilitate further discussions with residents and other stakeholders when deciding which scheme designs to take forward to the next stage of development.  There is a need for further engagement with residents, businesses, and other groups to refine these proposals.  

We asked

Your views on the Creating an Active Birmingham Strategy 2024-2034

You said

  1. The Strategy should be clearer with accessible and simple English.
  2. Inclusivity and accessibility were important to you. You said that strategy should consider the diverse needs of residents of Birmingham, ensuring accessibility for all ages and abilities with a key focus on disadvantaged groups who are the least active in Birmingham. Some of those groups are those living in disadvantaged areas, older adults, individuals with disabilities (learning, sensory and physical) and South Asians, especially women.
  3. You expressed concerns about practical access to physical activity, including timing and location. Working-age individuals feel disadvantaged due to conflicting activity hours, and poor public transport limits accessibility.
  4. Being physical active should be affordable. You suggested making physical activities more financially accessible.
  5. It is important to have adequate infrastructure, including safer roads, cycle paths, green spaces, and overall city safety. You emphasised the need for safe and well-maintained leisure centres and indoor spaces.
  6. It is key to have a holistic, whole-system approach to ensure Birmingham becomes an active city. Collaboration with partners is crucial, but you emphasised involving and empowering grassroot and community-led organisations, leveraging existing relationships to bridge the inactivity gap.
  7. You have concerns about the Council's ability to deliver the ambitious strategy due to financial challenges. You worry whether the Council will have the necessary resources to support and implement the Creating an Active Birmingham Strategy.
  8. You mentioned you want to be involved in designing services for you.

We did

  1. We have reviewed the strategy and ensured the language used is accessible. We have gone beyond and reviewed our use of language across our physical activity work. We have recently changed the name of our physical activity forum from ‘Creating an Active City Forum’ to just ‘Active City Forum.’ This way it is streamlined and clear. We intend to use clear and accessible English in all aspects of our work. We have clarified our targets to make it easier to measure the impact of the strategy.
  2. This is an important point which also came through when we spoke to organisations who work with the most deprived communities. We, therefore, from the beginning of the strategy, changed the way we talked about opportunities and reinforced that we intend on ensuring opportunities are equitable and accessible and takes cultural needs into consideration. We changed our language to explicitly mention that we will use data and evidence to identify areas of needs where we will focus.
  3. As part of our Wellbeing Service in making physical activity accessible and affordable, we will continue to improve our BeActive offer based on evidence available.
  4. Recognising affordability as a barrier to being physically active, we ensured our Vision and Priorities considered this. Our focus is to make being physically active an easy choice. Hence why, we will continue to review and evaluate our programme and services to ensure they are relevant, equitable, accessible and affordable.
  5. This has come out really clear in the consultation. Therefore, for ‘Active  Environments’ priority, we have highlighted our existing action of working to ensure there are local, safe, affordable and attractive spaces to be physically active in.
  6. We have revised how we will deliver our ‘Active Systems’ priority by making it clear that the partners we intend to engage are not just traditional partners we have worked with. We will work with grassroot and community-led organisations. We have already started this through the Seldom Heard Voices project, and we are ensuring that the Active City Forum has those representations.
  7. The Creating an Active Birmingham strategy is a co-produced strategy and is owned by the city rather than just the Council. We will harness existing relationships to ensure the strategy is delivered.
  8. We created a Citizens Panel with 127 members from the community who we will consult regularly to obtain views and suggestions when designing programmes of work.

We asked

During October and November 2023, we asked for your views on the proposals to reduce the speed limit on Birmingham’s roads that have an existing speed limit of 40 miles per hour (mph) to a new lowered speed limit of 30 mph.
There were 25 roads across Birmingham that were proposed to have a reduced speed limit. 

You said

During the consultation a total of 1,674 responses were received:

Support 30 mph speed limit - 635 (37.93%)

Neutral (support & oppose) - 90 (5.38%)

Oppose 30 mph speed limit - 949 (56.69%)

Of the 1,674 responses to the consultation, 1,323 provided further comments. These comments were reviewed and categorised into the main concerns/interested area(s) of their response. Details of these can be found in the full document attached at the bottom of this page.

The results of the consultation were shared with the Cabinet Member for Transport together with a technical review assessment on all of the listed roads. Although noting that over 55% of the responses did not support the scheme, a significant percentage of those (approximately 25%) were not necessarily against the scheme proposals but were concerned with there being inadequate levels of enforcement, and as a result, the scheme would not deliver its objectives.

Following this review, the Cabinet Member for Transport has decided to proceed with the scheme proposals for all roads, taking this forward to formal consultation.

We did

The scheme is aligned to the core principles of the Birmingham Transport Plan -reducing the speed, volume and dominance of vehicular traffic.

A new Birmingham Road Harm Reduction Strategy is in development that aligns to these principles and will set out the Council’s commitment to a Vision Zero approach to road safety. This aims to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, whilst increasing safe, healthy and equitable mobility for all.

Following feedback from the consultation, some of the extents of existing 40 mph have been reviewed and will be amended accordingly. 

One road (Walmley Ash Lane / Cottage Lane, Sutton Coldfield) was removed as it did not meet the scheme’s criteria as its existing speed limit was not 40 mph.

Next Steps

The overall scheme requires approval through the Council’s governance process and a Full Business Case (FBC) report is being prepared to gain formal scheme approval.

There will be a formal consultation advertising the Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) currently planned for Spring 2024. This consultation is required to legally introduce the new speed limits.

We will advertise the scheme through local public notices and information boards to advise people of the proposed changes and where they can submit their comments.

We will also run a public awareness campaign when the speed limit changes are being made.

Further information
If you would like any further information, email the Transport Planning Team at connected@birmingham.gov.uk.

We asked

See 'Results' page for details.

You said

See 'Results' page for details.

We did

See 'Results' page for details.

We asked

Birmingham City Council asked for your comments on the proposal to alter the age range from 4-11 to 4-16 years. Increase the pupil numbers from 108 to 287 with effect from September 2025.

You said

A total of 61 responses had been received, 53 in favour, 3 opposed, 4 neither/don’t know and 1 not indicated. 6 of the responses were from Pupils at the School, 39 from Parents/ Carers of pupils at the school, 2 from Governors at the school, 2 from staff at the school, and 9 from local residents

We did

We analysised the consultation results and provided the decision maker with a copy of the summary and all comments received for their consideration (Personal or identifying information is removed from responses before sharing with the decision maker).

The decision maker approved the proposal for implementation. Please see decision letter attached to this webpage. A full copy of the decision report can be found via a link at the bottom of this webpage.

On 19th December 2023 Birmingham City Council determined to implement the proposal as approved. The proposal will be implemented September 2025. A link to the decision report can be found at the bottom of this webpage (this includes a summary of the consultation results).

We asked

See 'Results' page for details.

You said

See 'Results' page for details.

We did

See 'Results' page for details.

We asked

If you support the proposed new path on this site

You said

Majority of the responders supported the proposed scheme. We also adressed the isssue of access and protection of existing vegetation

We did

We delivered the scheme and site opened to public in May 2024.

We asked

The Council ran a public consultation from 25 May to 20 August 2023, seeking comments on the ‘Our Future City: Draft Central Birmingham Framework 2040’.

The Our Future City: Draft Central Birmingham Framework 2040 sets an ambitious and strategic vision for Central Birmingham to 2040 to create a fair, inclusive, and green place that benefits all Birmingham’s communities. The Framework is a new 20-year vision for the development and transformation of Central Birmingham to meet the economic, social, and environmental challenges of the next twenty years.

You said

There were over 240 individuals who responded to the consultation questionnaire on BeHeard.

We did

The consultation on the draft Framework has now closed. The Council is currently reviewing the comments received and will amend the final framework where appropriate. A consultation report will be produced which will describe the level and type of responses received, the main issues raised and how they have influenced the final version of the framework. The final framework will be presented to the Council's Cabinet to be approved in 2024.

We asked

Between 3 June and 2 July 2023, we ran a consultation on a proposed layout option for this area. The consultation received over 1,200 responses to the online survey, around a further 100 emails, and included two very well attended drop-in sessions.

You said

There was a mixed response to the various proposals consulted on. There was support for the aims and principles of the project, with 46% of respondents expressing positive sentiments towards this compared to 43% expressing negative sentiments.

Concerns were particularly highlighted in relation to:

  • the proposed introduction of modal filters on Willow Road and Elm Road
  • proposals to make some roads one-way, especially Beaumont Road and Hole Lane
  • a proposed segregated cycle track on Heath Road

We did

It is clear that there is a need for further engagement with residents, businesses, and other groups to refine these proposals or develop alternative options. This would be arranged on a localised basis, bringing people together to consider measures for a certain group of streets, while still developing a holistic scheme that delivers benefits across the whole area.

Over the coming months, we will work closely with the Councillors for Bournville & Cotteridge ward, Cllr Liz Clements and Cllr Fred Grindrod, to facilitate further meetings and discussions with residents and other stakeholders to develop ideas for a revised scheme.

We asked

N/A - See 'Results' page for details.

You said

N/A - See 'Results' page for details.

We did

N/A - See 'Results' page for details.

We asked

To seek the determination of a statutory proposal by Birmingham City Council 
(LA) of Kings Heath Boys (the School) to:

  • Change the provision from a single sex (boys) school to a co-educational school from September 2024.

You said

A total of 80 responses were received - 65 in favour, 16 opposed, 1 neither/don’t know
The responses were from - 2 pupils at the school, 10 parents/ carer of pupils at the school, 1 governor at the school, 3 members of staff, 50 local residents, 1 Birmingham city Councillor, 1 Member of Parliament and 14 others.

We did

We analysised the consultation results and provided the decision maker with a copy of the summary and all comments received for their consideration (Personal or identifying information is removed from responses before sharing with the decision maker).

The decision maker approved the proposal for implementation. Please see decision letter attached to this webpage. A full copy of the decision report can be found via a link at the bottom of this webpage.

On 3rd July 2023 the Council determined to implement the proposal as approved. The proposal will be implemented September 2024. A link to the decision report can be found at the bottom of this webpage (this includes a summary of the consultation results).

We asked

To seek the determination of a statutory proposal by Birmingham City Council 
(LA) of Gilbertstone Primary School (the School) to:

  • alter the lower age limit from 3 years to become 4 years, resulting in removal of nursery provision with effect from 1st September 2023

You said

A total of 46 responses were received - 4 in favour, 41 opposed, 1 neither/don’t know
The responses were from - 1 pupils at the school, 36 parents/ carer of pupils at the school, 1 local residents and 4 others.

We did

We analysised the consultation results and provided the decision maker with a copy of the summary and all comments received for their consideration (Personal or identifying information is removed from responses before sharing with the decision maker).

The decision maker approved the proposal for implementation. Please see decision letter attached to this webpage. A full copy of the decision report can be found via a link at the bottom of this webpage.

On 12th July 2023 the Council determined to implement the proposal as approved. The proposal will be implemented September 2023. A link to the decision report can be found at the bottom of this webpage (this includes a summary of the consultation results).

We asked

See results page for details.

You said

See results page for details.

We did

See results page for details.

We asked

Between 24 February and 24 March 2023, we ran a consultation on proposed interventions along the A45 and A34. The proposed interventions on the A34 were for junction improvements at Trinity Road and New Town Row. On the A45 we consulted on proposals to extend the bus lanes installed in Phase 1, between Bordesley Circus and Swan Island, and to install new bus lanes. There were also two proposed bus stop moves: on the A34 at Old Walsall Road southbound, and on the A45 at the Wheatsheaf southbound.

You said

We received 64 responses to the online survey. We also spoke with local residents at the 4 public consultation drop-in events that were held at various venues along the A45 and A34. We received a mix of responses.

For the A45 proposals, 45% of respondents expressed negative sentiments, 24% expressed positive sentiments, and 29% were neutral.

For the A34 proposals, 31% of respondents expressed negative sentiments, 13% expressed positive sentiments, and 54% were neutral.

The main areas of concern raised from the consultation were around:

  • Increased congestion due to the reduction in lanes for general traffic
  • The proposed move of the Walsall Road southbound stop
  • Pedestrian safety
  • Rat runs created on side roads

We did

We are now in the process of reviewing consultation feedback, whilst continuing with the planning for Birmingham Sprint phase 2 and the upcoming city centre consultation.

We asked

Please see results section for details.

You said

See results section.

We did

See results section.

We asked

See results page for details.

You said

See results page for details.

We did

See results page for details.