Our Future City: Draft Central Birmingham Framework 2040 Consultation

Closed 17 Aug 2023

Opened 25 May 2023

Feedback updated 22 Feb 2024

We asked

The Council ran a public consultation from 25 May to 20 August 2023, seeking comments on the ‘Our Future City: Draft Central Birmingham Framework 2040’.

The Our Future City: Draft Central Birmingham Framework 2040 sets an ambitious and strategic vision for Central Birmingham to 2040 to create a fair, inclusive, and green place that benefits all Birmingham’s communities. The Framework is a new 20-year vision for the development and transformation of Central Birmingham to meet the economic, social, and environmental challenges of the next twenty years.

You said

There were over 240 individuals who responded to the consultation questionnaire on BeHeard.

We did

The consultation on the draft Framework has now closed. The Council is currently reviewing the comments received and will amend the final framework where appropriate. A consultation report will be produced which will describe the level and type of responses received, the main issues raised and how they have influenced the final version of the framework. The final framework will be presented to the Council's Cabinet to be approved in 2024.


Birmingham City Council has now launched the public consultation on 'Our Future City: Draft Central Birmingham 2040 Framework'. The Framework sets an ambitious vision for the future of development and regeneration in Central Birmingham, outlining bold proposals and interventions to be delivered over the next two decades and that will help Birmingham become a green, prosperous and healthy city for everyone.

The Draft Framework builds on the comments and representations received at the 'Shaping Our City Together' consultation in 2021 and the many conversations since which have all helped shape the plan.

We are asking for feedback to help us refine and shape this bold and ambitious strategy for Central Birmingham which will set the direction of future statutory planning policy and guidance.

You can download the Draft Framework using the link below. Please use the online survey below to share your views on the Draft Framework. It should take around 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

If you would like to discuss this consultation with us or you would like to submit consultation responses to us by email or letter, please use the following details:

Email: CityCentreDevelopmentPlanning@birmingham.gov.uk

Post: Birmingham City Council, PO Box 28, B1 1TU

To support the engagement we are hosting a number of events, accessible to all members of the public free of charge. The details and schedule of these events can be found on our website using the link below. This list will be updated regularly as further public events are arranged.

Why your views matter

This consultation is seeking views on the vision, opportunities, proposals and interventions that will help shape Central Birmingham over the next 20 years. Your views will help us refine the final version of the Framework that will be published later in the year.

Please share this with as many interested parties as possible as we would particularly welcome suggestions and comments from residents and local businesses on the draft proposals for Central Birmingham. We are also looking for people to deliver the vision alongside us. As such as part of this exercise we want to continue building relationships and an understanding of what is happening across the area to ensure that we are able to shape Central Birmingham's future together.

What happens next

The public consultation on the Draft Central Birmingham Framework 2040 closed on 17th August 2023. Thank you to everyone who submitted a response to the consultation. We are now reviewing all responses received and they will be taken into account in preparing the final version of the Central Birmingham Framework.


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