Libraries Consultation 2024

Closed 1 Aug 2024

Opened 4 Apr 2024


Birmingham City Council has a legal duty to provide a comprehensive and efficient library service for all those who “live, work or study and want to access the service” in the city. (Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964). We are currently inviting people who live, work, or study in Birmingham to help shape the future of the library service.

For more than a decade, tightening budgets for maintenance, staffing, and technology have made Birmingham Libraries’ current delivery model inefficient and not effective. The current budget challenges mean that library budgets have been further reduced. In that time we have also seen the way people use Libraries has changed with a reduction of people accessing Library buildings, yet the need for free and facilitated access to information, culture, and advice is high in the city. Public libraries in Birmingham have a long and strong track record of adapting to new demands and changed circumstances, therefore, an essential review and redesign of the way we provide information and library services in Birmingham offers the best route towards a long-term, effective and sustainable solution.

The attached documents at the bottom of this page ('Libraries Consultation Pack and Libraries Strategic Framework-Draft') details the proposed plans for Library Services and details our recommended options, a move away from our current 35 Community Libraries to a mixed delivery model of:

  • BCC run Community Library hubs open 5 days per week providing library and early intervention and prevention services.
  • BCC Community Library hubs open part-time hours providing library and early intervention and prevention services.
  • BCC staff co-located with partners/community groups providing library services.
  • Community groups running library services via Community Asset Transfer.
  • Library of Birmingham.
  • Virtual (digital) Library.
  • Expansion of mobile provision.
  • Prison Library.
  • Self-Service.
  • Libraries at Home Service

Based on current information on community interest and co-location opportunities, we estimate a combination of the council run and community-led provision might secure circa 25 building-based library services. This figure may change through the consultation as we gather more information.

Why your views matter

We are inviting you to give your views on the proposed changes to the Library Service and any alternatives you may wish to propose.

This consultation is open from  4th April 2024 - 17th July 2024

Please ensure that you respond within this period as responses received after the closing date will not be included in the consultation. All feedback will be collated and used to inform decisions.

The online survey should take up to 30 minutes to complete and is completely confidential, so your information will not be shared and you will not be contacted about your answers.

Hard copies and easy-read formats can be completed and returned to all Birmingham Libraries. Please contact us at if you would like the information in an alternative format or have any further access requirements. 

Childrens Consultation Form:

Please find a link to the Childrens form:

Alternatively a hard copy of the form is attached at the bottom of this page which can be submitted to any Birmimgham Library.

Next Steps:

Final Consultation

From late August until the 27th September, the Council will be launching the Final Phase of the Libraries Consultation. The Final Consultation will include a summary of the analysed feedback and data collected in the First Phase of Consultation (4th April-17th July). It will also include a map of the proposed provision and what the Library offer could look like for Birmimgham based on the data gathered.

In-person consultations for each of the Libraries will take place from the 2nd of Septemnber until the 25th September. These will be drop in sessions and no booking is required. The dates of these sessions are attached below.



  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Libraries