Draft Edgbaston Framework

Closed 14 Dec 2014

Opened 3 Nov 2014

Feedback updated 11 Aug 2015

We asked

Calthorpe Estates and the City Council have produced this draft Framework to outline a vision for the future for the area bordering Five Ways, and to set out area-based proposals and development management policies, to positively plan for change.

You said

Your (8) responses were gratefully received and will form part of the decision making process

We did

This consultation formed part of a larger project and filtered into decisions made and recommendations for changes to take place. For further information please email: consultation_p&rsouth@birmingham.gov.uk.


Calthorpe Estates and the City Council have produced this draft Framework to outline a vision for the future for the area bordering Five Ways, and to set out area-based proposals and development management policies, to positively plan for change.

The draft Framework seeks to:

  • Shape a new role for Greenfield Crescent to serve the local and business communities,
  • Capitalise on the area’s potential to accommodate fine dining restaurants in the Calthorpe Rd/Highfield Rd area, and
  • Promote significant development around the Harborne Rd / Highfield Rd junction.


The Location

The draft Framework area, totalling 17.3 hectares, lies at the edge of the city core, adjoining Five Ways and the Westside & Ladywood Quarter in the Big City Plan. Its northern boundary is the largely commercial  Hagley Road whilst its southern edge adjoins the residential suburbs of Edgbaston. It also includes a substantial part of the Edgbaston District Centre, as defined in the 2012 Shopping and Local Centres SPD.

Status of the Framework

This draft Framework has been prepared in the context of the national and local planning policy - the NPPF, the UDP (saved 2008), emerging Birmingham Development Plan and other local planning documents such as the Shopping and Local Centres SPD 2012.

The Framework, once adopted, will provide guidance for development proposals within the area, and help in the determination of planning applications.

We have issued this draft for public consultation and would welcome your comments to help us shape this plan.

The consultation will run form 3/11/2014 to 14/12/2014, after which the Framework will be revised, before being reported to the Cabinet.

Following exhibitions are planned and you are welcome to come along and speak to officers:

Thursday 13 November 2014        11:00am - 3:00pm      @ Morrison's, Hagley Road

Thursday 4 December 2014          3:00pm - 7:00pm         @ Morrison's Hagley Road.




  • All residents


  • Planning
  • Regeneration