LSTF Bristol Road Section 2 (Selly Oak Local Centre - Northfield Local Centre)

Closed 4 Apr 2014

Opened 11 Mar 2014

Feedback updated 15 Jul 2015

We asked

The Council asked to hear your views on highway improvements proposals as part of the Local Sustainable Transport Fund Project to address road safety concerns on Bristol Road South, Bell Hill and Shenley Lane.

You said

74% supportive, 26% not supportive.

We did

The project will commence on site in July 2015 and be completed by early October 2015.



 We are seeking to implement the following works in autumn 2014 (the works are detailed on drawing no: CA-02102-21-2-001


  • Introduction of a 1.5m wide advisory cycle lane in both directions.
  • No waiting and loading at any time along the complete length of the proposed advisory cycle lane.
  • Provision of 2 number 3m wide traffic lanes in both directions.
  • Some localised widening into the central reserve to accommodate the cycle and traffic lane widths.
  • Extension of the existing shared use footway/cycle lane outside the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital.
  • Change the bus lane markings to allow traffic turning left from Bristol Road to Harborne Lane to enter the bus lane in the vicinity of Lodge Hill Road, including review of signage.




  • All residents


  • Transport (Including Walking)