Birmingham City Council - Budget Consultation 2018+

Closed 15 Jan 2018

Opened 12 Dec 2017

Feedback updated 14 May 2018

We asked

We have a Vision for Birmingham to make it a city of inclusive growth where the opportunities and benefits of progress and investment are felt by all.

You said

639 responses were received.

We did

Contact with any questions.


We have a Vision for Birmingham to make it a city of inclusive growth where the opportunities and benefits of progress and investment are felt by all.

Since 2010 the Council has had to make cuts of over £642m and we know that we need to go further if we are to tackle the challenges facing the public sector. We face huge decisions, but there are also opportunities for us to look at how we can better deliver our services to suit the changing needs of our citizens. Your views really do matter when we make these tough decisions.

Our budget consultation document sets out how we plan to tackle the challenges facing the council and where we will focus the budget we have in order to continue to make a positive difference.

We want to hear your views on our latest budget – this online survey includes questions about:

  • Which services are important to you.
  • Your views on next year’s rate of Council Tax.

You can choose whether to comment on all questions, or just those you select.

Specific groups of service users will also be consulted where appropriate.


Public meeting  to discuss the budget plans, at the Banqueting Suite, Council House, Birmingham on 10th January at 18:00-20:00pm Please use this link to book places...


Business representatives  • 

 A Business meeting – also for  large city institutions on the 10th January – at breakfast time. This will be held in the Chamber of Commerce ( 8.15 am- 9.30 am).

Other formats:

If you would like a shorter version of the budget consultation document, this can be found in the 'related documents' section below.

If you would like a copy of the Budget Consultation document in another format, please email:

If you’re not able to fill in the survey online, you can use the print version of the survey, found in the related documents section below. Details of where to return this to are included at the end of the survey.

Why your views matter

Consultation is being carried out to ensure the council's decision-makers are fully informed of relevant concerns before any final decisions are made.




  • All residents


  • N/A