Trojan Energy electric vehicle charge point survey

Closed 24 Feb 2019

Opened 14 Feb 2019

Feedback updated 1 Aug 2019

We asked

The uptake of Electric Vehicles (EVs) is crucial for the UK to tackle the issue of air pollution in cities and to help meet national and international climate targets. Electric vehicle ownership in the UK is increasing, however a major barrier to widespread uptake is the current lack of on-street charge points.

You said

223 responses were received.

We did

Please contact with any questions.


The uptake of Electric Vehicles (EVs) is crucial for the UK to tackle the issue of air pollution in cities and to help meet national and international climate targets. Electric vehicle ownership in the UK is increasing, however a major barrier to widespread uptake is the current lack of on-street charge points.

At present, 8 million vehicle owners in the UK do not have a driveway or garage and therefore cannot charge a vehicle at home. The government recognises this issue, particularly for those living in densely populated cities, and doesn't want to exclude those without off-street parking from being able to drive an electric vehicle. The government (through Innovate UK) have therefore recently granted funding to a number of projects that are investigating the feasibility of new on-street charging technologies.

Trojan Technology on-street charging

The survey

This survey should take about 20 minutes to complete.

The survey aims to find out more about the charging behaviour of electric vehicle drivers (and prospective drivers) and their attitudes towards different on-street charging technologies. Even if you are not currently considering buying an electric vehicle, we would still value your opinion on aspects of these technologies.

Results from the survey will be used to help develop recommendations for a new on-street charging technology, designed by Trojan Energy.

We are aware that the deadline for completing this survey is very soon. This is the beginning of the project and we will be continuing to conduct research in this area. In this case, we need to put together a bid for possible future funding very quickly, and need some preliminary data to support this.

The partners

This survey has been created by the partners of an Innovate UK project: the Subsurface Technology for Electric Pathways (STEP) project.

The partners in this project are:

What will happen to your responses?

The data collected from all surveys will be aggregated and anonymised. The data will not be shared in a form that allows anyone to identify a single respondent, and it will not be used for anything else other than research on charging technologies.

Your data will be held by the partners listed above. Personal data will not be shared with any other organisation. This survey is being conducted in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and if you would like to know more about our Data Protection Policy please visit


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Transport (Including Walking)
  • Travel