Health & Wellbeing Legacy of the Commonwealth Games

Closed 13 Jan 2023

Opened 14 Nov 2022

Feedback updated 18 May 2023

We asked

How will the legacy from the Commonwealth Games improve access to physical activity opportunities (both participating and spectating) for our disabled citizens and communities?

You said

You provided different ways in which access to different types of physical opportunities could be improved.

We did

We included these within our recommendations in the report to City Council, and these were agreed on 18 April 2023.  The report is available at


Birmingham City Council is undertaking a Scrutiny Inquiry to explore the Health and Wellbeing legacy of Commonwealth Games 2022 for the disabled community.  We want to understand how the Commonwealth Games has improved access to sport and physical activity for disabled residents.  We are also interested in how the Commonwealth Games has improved the experience of watching sport.  Councillors intend to make recommendations to make sport and physical activity in Birmingham more inclusive and accessible in the future. 

We want to hear about the experiences of the disabled community when they get involved in, or watch, sport and physical activities.  We particularly want to hear about people’s experiences as spectators at the Commonwealth Games.  We want to understand the barriers that residents face to participate in physical activity or watch sport, and find out more about the ways residents think these barriers can be overcome.   

We will also be inviting contributions separately from organisations representing the interests of the disabled community and/or specialist sport organisations. 

Commonwealth Games Legacy, call for evidence | Scrutiny Inquiries | Birmingham City Council

Our Key Question is:

How will the legacy from the Commonwealth Games improve access to physical activity opportunities (both participating and spectating) for our disabled citizens and communities? 


  • All Areas


  • All residents
  • Disabled people
  • People with Disabilities
  • People with Learning Disabilities


  • Health & Wellbeing