Birmingham Public Health Green Paper
Feedback updated 5 Aug 2019
We asked
We asked for your comments on our proposed priority areas to help reduce health inequalities in Birmingham.
You Responded
We had 447 responses to the public consultation as well as collecting a wide range of views from our community engagement events and presentations to ward forums.
People from a wide range of ages (from 20-79 years) responded to our consultation the largest amount of responses were received from those aged 50-59 years of age.
148 responses (35%) were from people reporting to have a physical or mental health condition.
296 responses were received from heterosexual or straight respondents, 20 from people identifying as gay or lesbian 10 from those identifying as bisexual.
173 respondents identified as Christian, 18 Muslim, 10 Sikh and 141 with no religion.
Those responding to the on-line survey were mainly from a White (British) background (286 respondents).
In general the sample was slightly older than the general population of Birmingham and did not represent as much ethnic diversity as we would have liked, despite specifically going out to hold meetings and engagement events in some of our most diverse wards.
We did specifically commission some focus groups to discuss the consultation with groups from our minority ethnic and faith communities to help inform the consultation but these were outside of the formal BeHeard online or written responses.
You said
85% of respondents agreed with the Public Health vision and core values as laid out in the Public Health Green Paper. The four proposed priority areas were also well supported, the proportion of respondents agreeing with each priority were as follows: child health (90%); working age adults – 87%; ageing well – 92%; and healthy environment – 91%. Similarly 94% agreed that addressing health inequalities should be one of our overarching themes. There was less support for maximising the public health gains from the Commonwealth Games being an overarching theme – this was supported by 30% of respondents (with 18% of respondents disagreeing or strongly disagreeing with the theme).
Within the child health and wellbeing theme, support for the proposed priorities was high with the proportion of respondents supporting the priorities as follows: reducing infant mortality (91%); taking a whole systems approach to childhood obesity (88%); and supporting the mental and physical health of our most vulnerable children (87%). There was support for mental health and wellbeing being a priority for all children – not just our most vulnerable groups.
Support for the priorities outlined within the working age adult theme was also high with the proportion of respondents supporting each priority as follows: supporting workplaces to improve their employee wellbeing (84%); addressing the cumulative impact of unhealthy behaviours (84%); and supporting the mental and physical health of our most vulnerable adults (92%).
The priorities proposed within the older adult theme again had high levels of support, the proportion of respondents agreeing with each priority as follows: reducing social isolation (92%); providing system wide information and support (84%); developing community assets (90%); and supporting the mental and physical health of our most vulnerable older people (94%).
The proposed healthy environments priorities received support from a large proportion of respondents as follows: improving air quality (88%); increasing the health gains of new developments and transport schemes (82%); and health protection assurance and response (90%).
We did
We have taken on board the views and opinions raised throughout the Green Paper consultation, community events and presentations to ward forums.
As a result of the responses received, the Health and Wellbeing Board has established five sub-groups to oversee development and delivery of shared action to drive City-wide improvement in the following areas:
Creating a Mentally Healthy City Forum
Creating a Healthy Food Forum;
Creating an Active City Forum;
Creating a City without Inequality,
These Forums are in addition to the already established Health Protection Forum. The Forums will strengthen the connection between the Health and Wellbeing Board and other City and regional partnership bodies. Each forum is chaired by a Cabinet Member and involves a range of local and national stakeholders and partners to drive action at pace in the city.
In addition the Health and Wellbeing Board has commissioned the Director of Public Health to lead on developing a framework for Creating a Healthy City. This framework will set out evidence based options to be applied through the levers of the Council and its partners such as planning, procurement, enforcement and community engagement, that will address the public health priorities for the city in a sustainable and effective way to ensure that Birmingham is a city in which every citizen and every age can live a healthy and fulfilling life.
Birmingham City Council would like your views on the proposed Birmingham Public Health Green Paper.
This Green Paper sets out the proposed Public Health priorities for the next four years. Our priorities have been informed by data and intelligence on the areas of need in our City.
Within the Green Paper we have set out the reasons each priority has been chosen, and the actions that we and our partners would like to take to address these priority areas and, in turn, improve the health and wellbeing of Birmingham’s population at every stage of life.
The priorities have been designed to support the shared ambition across the Council and its partners in the NHS, Police, Fire Service, Voluntary and Community Sector to improve the health and wellbeing of local people and support them to achieve their potential in life.
The four priorities align with the Council vision of Birmingham as an aspirational city to grow up in, an entrepreneurial city to live, work and invest in, a fulfilling city to age well in and a great city to live in. We also recognise in the Green Paper the shared objective that Birmingham citizens gain the maximum benefit from hosting the Commonwealth Games.
Why your views matter
We are asking the people of Birmingham, strategic partners, and key agencies (including current service providers) to let us know your views on the public health priorities for the city set out in the Birmingham Public Health Green Paper.
We want to hear from you to help us reflect on whether these are the right priorities and to help shape our thinking as we look to develop a framework for action for the future.
Thank you for your time. The information you provide will be kept confidential and used only for the purposes of this consultation.
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