Balsall Heath Town Square
Feedback updated 14 Sep 2022
We asked
See Results section.
You said
See Results section.
We did
See Results section.
Results updated 27 May 2021
Thank you to all who took part in the survey.
Over 70% of the respondents were from local residents, or business owners; and 90% of respondents used the site once a week or more with most people using the site twice a week or more.
The Balsall Heath Town Square proposals were very popular - being supported by 88% of people which reflects the outcomes of other consultation, meetings, and face to face conversations we have had with local people, and Members. This consultation has given us the mandate to progress with the Town Square proposals and develop further funding bids, and implement proposals as funding can be secured.
70% of people said the Town Square would encourage them to use the public realm more, use more sustainable travel such as walking, cycling, or scooting; and thought the Town Square would bring multiple benefits to the local area.
There were also many other great ideas, and comments suggested in the consultation, as well as offers of help to get involved in progressing the scheme which is really appreciated. We are now also looking to set up a Community Action Group to drive forward co-ordinated improvement proposals for the wider Balsall Heath Town Square and Moseley Baths corridor area.
We would like to progress detailed design of a proposal to create a new Town Square for Balsall Heath; and also implement some small Phase 1 streetscape improvements in preparation for the main scheme.
These plans are the result of consultation with local stakeholder and community groups, and we would now also like your comments on the vision - please see attached plans.
Design and delivery of the Town Square will be informed by this consultation and be dependant on the funding available. This scheme has the potential to form part of the landscape mitigation commitment of the Cross City bus scheme.
1. Retain and strengthen key elements contributing to the character of Balsall Heath local centre Eg key historic buildings, trees, streets, local shops, cafes and businesses, and uses compatible with a ‘Town Square’
2. Improve physical and visual links for pedestrians between Moseley Baths and Art and cultural venues; and the local shops and restaurants.
3. Define and create a sense of place for local people and visitors through the creation of a new Town Square with focal point. Reduce areas of tarmac highway, and increase size of one central area of safe attractive new public realm space for the community, allowing easier crossing of Hayden Way, and improving the quality of public realm outside Moseley Baths and Art venues, through to the local centre and businesses.
4. Support improved environmental quality in cities through new street trees; improved air quality; more attractive amenity spaces and routes for walking, cycling, and sustainable travel; improved local distinctiveness and artistic input, as well as inclusive growth, and space for social interaction.
Early Phase 1 Works to be delivered Spring Summer 2021
Small streetscape improvements, primarily near Moseley Baths and towards the Town Square. Depending on funding available.
- New low maintenance colourful planting in existing planting beds, and new stainless steel trip rails
- Additional cycle stands near school
- New surfacing to some areas of damaged paving.
- New small upright trees in currently unfilled tree pits in pavement.
Why your views matter
These plans have been developed with community groups. We would like the views of the wider community and your opinions on the proposed plans and possible future improvements
- Balsall Heath West
- Sparkbrook & Balsall Heath East
- All residents
- Arts & Culture
- Environment
- Planning
- Regeneration
- Transport (Including Walking)
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