Woodgate Valley Country Park Walking and Cycling Route

Closed 17 Jan 2016

Opened 18 Dec 2015

Feedback updated 22 Apr 2016

We asked

If you support the path improvement proposals

You said

There was a lot of support for the improvements.  Of the responses, 18 were supportive (72%). The others including comments raised at ward meetings, had concerns such as visual and environmental impact on the country park (by widening the path by half a metre), increased risk of anti-social behaviour/motorcyclists accessing the park and conflict with pedestrians and horse riders.

We did

To address these concerns raised we have further engaged with the Ecology Officers and worked closely with the Park Rangers and they have no adverse concerns. The contractors undertaking the work will be specialist in landscape work and sensitive to the needs of the local environment and the construction work will be monitored closely.  Regarding the potential increased risk of anti-social behaviour of motorbikes, although there is no evidence to suggest that the problem gets worse by improving the path, the project is looking at measures to improve the security of the site.   The path width of 2.5metres is an acceptable width for unsegregated shared use between pedestrians and cyclists.

Results updated 22 Apr 2016

There was a lot of support for the improvements. Of the responses, 18 were supportive (72%). The others including comments raised at ward meetings, had concerns such as visual and environmental impact on the country park (by widening the path by half a metre), increased risk of anti-social behaviour/motorcyclists accessing the park and conflict with pedestrians and horse riders.


Birmingham City Council is proposing to install a walking and cycling route through Woodgate Valley Country Park. The route will go from Watery Lane to West Boulevard, following south of Bourn Brook. The new route will be surfaced in bitmac (tarmac) with a bounded gravel surface dressing on top. 

You can also visit https://www.birminghambeheard.org.uk/place/optional-minton-road-link-to-woodgate-valley-count to comment on optional Minton Road Link from Minton Road to West Boulevard to avoid the stepping stones. Proposal plans are attached to this consultation.

These proposals form part of the Birmingham Cycle Revolution (BCR) project which is developing a network of routes through green open spaces and along canal towpaths. The project is also developing routes on main roads, quieter back street roads, 20mph speed limit areas and other supporting measures including cycle parking.

The project is jointly funded by Birmingham City Council and The Goverment's Cycle City Ambition Grant. As well as building routes like this, the project is working with schools, workplaces and at leisure centres to get more people cycling. There are many ways you can get involved! Check the website at http://www.birmingham.gov.uk/bcr




  • All residents


  • cycling
  • Sport & Keep Fit
  • Parks & Green Spaces
  • Environment
  • Transport (Including Walking)