Birmingham Cycle Revolution Works, Small Heath Highway, CV-10

Closed 17 Apr 2014

Opened 27 Mar 2014

Feedback updated 17 Oct 2014

We asked

For views on a proposal to create a two-way shared use path along the footway leading towards the Ackers and Grand Union Canal towpath.

You said

Concerned about the width of the footway for shared use. Concerned about treatment of side road entrance.

We did

In addition to installing the shared use path, widen the nearside lane and narrow the farside lane to help separate the shared footway from the adjacent traffic.


Consulting on a proposal for southbound lanes on the Small Heath Highway to be narrowed to 3.0m each, measured from the central reserve. The remaining carriageway will be hatched out to provide a buffer zone between the narrow footway/cycleway and the traffic over a length of approximately 240m. This is part of the Cole Valley Cycle Route.

This proposal forms part of the Birmingham Cycle Revolution Local Links programme, ensuring canal towpaths and green routes are linked to the other parts of the cycling network.




  • Local Residents
  • Public Sector Bodies
  • Businesses
  • Community groups
  • Voluntary Organisations


  • cycling