Tyseley Environmental Enterprise District Local Development Order

Closed 28 May 2014

Opened 16 Apr 2014

Feedback updated 11 Aug 2015

We asked

When preparing a Local Development Order the City Council has a statutory duty to consult under the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2010.

You said

Your (4) responses were gratefully received and will form part of the decision making process

We did

This consultation formed part of a larger project and filtered into decisions made and recommendations for changes to take place. For further information please email: planningandregenerationenquiries@birmingham.gov.uk


Tyseley Environmental Enterprise District Local Development Order


Local Development Orders (LDO’s) allow the Local Planning Authority to grant automatic planning permission for certain types of development and therefore remove the need for a planning application to be submitted. In doing this, LDO’s seek to simplify the planning process and help to provide the conditions to stimulate new economic development.

Developed largely between the wars, the Tyseley Industrial Area, covering over 100 hectares in total, was once one of the City’s major manufacturing areas. It experienced a spiral of decline in the 1970s/80s and whilst there has been some recent redevelopment, the area is in need of continued investment. Tyseley continues to be identified as a traditional employment area, which is in need of physical regeneration and investment.  As well as being recognised as an important industrial location in the city, the area is synonymous with the Tyseley Energy Recovery Facility.


In order to exploit the growth in resource recovery and low carbon technologies Tyseley has been designated as the city’s Environmental Enterprise District (TEED) in the Economic Zones Prospectus; Investing in Birmingham (September 2012). The proposed Local Development Order will encourage development through reducing costs and providing certainty for potential developers and businesses though a simplified planning process.


The proposed LDO seeks to grant planning permission for associated development within use classes B1 (b) Research and Development of products or process, B1 (c) light industry, B2 general industrial uses, and Environmental Technologies and Energy Recovery Uses.


The Tyseley Environmental Enterprise District Draft LDO


When adopted the following development within the proposed Tyseley Environmental Enterprise District LDO area will not require planning consent, subject to the submission of the details set out in the ‘Notification of Development Process’, and compliance with the conditions and limitations within the attached LDO:

Changes of Use to, and demolition followed by Operational Development for:

•             Use Class B1 (b) Research and Development of Products and Process

•             Use Class B1 (c) Light Industry

•             Use Class B2 General Industry: Use for the carrying out of an industrial process other than one falling in class B1

•             Use Class Sui Generis Environmental Technology and/or Energy Recovery Uses

The proposed LDO will impose limitations and conditions that clearly set out what development is and is not allowed under the LDO.

The proposed LDO would impose conditions to ensure that it is capable of delivering the objectives for which it is made. These conditions set out clearly what development is and is not allowed under the LDO.

Why your views matter

When preparing a Local Development Order the City Council has a statutory duty to consult under the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2010.

What happens next

We will consider the comments received and determine whether any modifications are required to the LDO. If sufficiently significant changes are made then further consultation will be undertaken. Once consultation has been completed the then the LDO will be reported back to Planning Committee for adoption.




  • All residents
  • Councillors/MPs/MEPs
  • Public Sector Bodies
  • Businesses
  • Faith groups
  • Community groups
  • Voluntary Organisations


  • Democracy and Participation
  • Planning
  • Regeneration
  • Business
  • Employment