Birmingham Design Guide

Closed 5 Feb 2021

Opened 24 Nov 2020



To help guide the delivery of healthy, high quality spaces across Birmingham, the City Council has created the draft Birmingham Design Guide.  It sets out the design aspirations of the city, with guidance to ensure all development aids the creation of high quality; people focused places that are resilient, innovative and healthy. The document will become the primary planning guidance used to assess and guide the design of all development across the city, from household extensions to tall buildings.

The design guide comprises a suite of documents that provide design principles and guidance framed around 5 Themes: 

  1. The Birmingham ID
  2. Streets & Spaces
  3. Landscape & Green Infrastructure
  4. Healthy Living & Working Places
  5. Efficient and Future-ready

The City Council believes the principles and guidance drafted within the suite of documents will play an important role in enhancing the quality of development across Birmingham. But we would like this tested by the city’s citizens, organisations and businesses. 

To enable this testing to take place, the City Council is publishing the draft Birmingham Design Guide for 10 (working) week period of public consultation.



Why your views matter

Comments received on the draft Design Guide will help shape the final document, which the City Council will adopt as a Supplementary Planning Document during 2021.


What happens next

Download the design guide documents and complete the online consultation below or you can:

E-mail us at :

or send your comments by  post: to  City Design Team |Birmingham City Council | PO Box 28 | Birmingham | B4 1TU


  • All Areas


  • All residents


  • Democracy and Participation