Budget Consultation 2016+

Closed 8 Jan 2016

Opened 9 Dec 2015

Feedback updated 19 Jul 2016

We asked

  We asked for your responses under six themes

Preventing Family Breakdown

Maximisiing the independance of Adults

sustainable neighbourhoods

Economic Growth and Jobs

The changing workforce

council wide




You said

The corporate Consultatio campaign did not give rise to any big concerns or campaigns as a single issue. Details about the consultation can be found on page 25 of the Council Business Plan 2016. www.birmingham.gov.uk/councilplans

We did

Views from the budget consultation and the "talk to us" dialogue were made available to the council decision makers to  ensure they were fully informed of any relevant concerns prior to the drafting of the business plan and budget.  A summary of the feedback from consultation can be found in the consultation chapter of the Council Business Plan on the council’s website.


Budget reductions and the changing times in which we operate Birmingham City Council means there is a need for radical changes in how the city council works - its roles and functions. it also means that Birmingham City Council has a lot less money to spend. Our budget consultation paper and the accompanying fact sheets detail the proposals we have come up with to meet this challenge.

The proposals set out – by theme – where we believe savings can be made, so you can give us your views as part of the formal consultation.

Specific groups of service users will also be  consulted where appropriate.

The proposals are grouped under six themes and we would like your comments on

  • The vision for the future council in 2020
  • The proposals within the council’s six themes for managing the demand on services


You can choose whether to comment on all of these questions, or just on a few.


Why your views matter

Consultation is being carried out to ensure council's decision-makers are fully informed of relevant concerns before final decisions are made.

What happens next

Your views will be fed back to Council Members to inform their decision on the budget in March 2016.




  • All residents


  • Spending