Jewellery Quarter Neighbourhood Plan Statutory Consultation

Closed 16 Sep 2022

Opened 25 Jul 2022


On 25th July 2022, Birmingham City Council launched the statutory consultation for the Jewellery Quarter (JQ) Neighbourhood Plan.

The JQ Neighbourhood Plan has been prepared by the Jewellery Quarter Development Trust Neighbourhood Planning Forum (JQDTNPF). The JQ Neighbourhood Area and Forum were formally designated as a “Neighbourhood Forum” in May 2014 under the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. Since then, the Neighbourhood Forum have prepared a draft Neighbourhood Plan and undertaken public consultation on the draft plan. The Neighbourhood Forum have amended the plan to reflect representations received and formally submitted the Neighbourhood Plan to the council.

The plan aims to deliver the community vision of the Neighbourhood Forum which is set out below:

The Jewellery Quarter Neighbourhood Plan’s vision is for the Jewellery Quarter to be a successful community of businesses and residents, with jewellery and designing/making at its heart. It will foster a creative approach to conservation whilst demanding the highest quality design for new development, and it will stimulate the vitality of the area by making it easier to get around and giving people a reason to stay”.

The Neighborhood Plan and supporting documents are available to download below.


How to have your say

An online survey has been set up for people and organisations to provide their comments on the revised draft SPD – click on the 'Online survey'  link below. You can answer as many or as few questions as you like.

Comments can also be provided by email to:

Or posted to the following addresses:

City Centre Planning Team, Planning and Development, Birmingham City Council, PO Box 28, Birmingham, B1 1TU

The Neighbourhood Plan can also be viewed at the following locations:


The public consultation closes at midnight on Friday 16th of September 2022.

Why your views matter

The council is legally required to publicise the Neighbourhood Plan for a minimum period of six weeks and invite comments on the plan from the public and stakeholders. The council will then collate all consultation responses received and provide them to an independent examiner appointed to review the plan. The consultation responses received will form part of the materials the examiner reviews when making their assessment of the Neighbourhood Plan.

What happens next

The council will appoint an independent examiner to assess whether the plan meets the ‘basic conditions’ required by legislation and whether it should proceed to referendum. If the examiner recommends the plan can proceed to referendum, then the referendum would ask  those eligible to vote (those  who are residents within the Jewellery Quarter designated neighbourhood area and are eligible to vote in local elections), if they  want Birmingham City Council to use the JQ Neighbourhood Plan to help it decide planning applications in the designated neighbourhood area. Should a referendum result in a ‘Yes’ vote, then the JQ Neighbourhood Plan will be adopted by  the City Council.


  • Soho & Jewellery Quarter


  • All residents


  • Democracy and Participation
  • Arts & Culture
  • Libraries
  • Parks & Green Spaces
  • Environment
  • Planning
  • Regeneration
  • Transport (Including Walking)
  • Housing
  • Business
  • Employment