Birmingham Cycle Revolution-Stechfrod Lane to Bordesley Green East
Feedback updated 6 Nov 2014
We asked
You said
We did
Consultation on the proposed footpath and cycleway route from Stechford Lane to Gumbleberrys Close and from Caldwell Road to Bordesley Green East. These proposals form part of the Birmingham Cycle Revolution project. Birmingham has successfully secured £17m from the Government specifically to make it easier and safer for new and experienced cyclists to travel to schools, shops, work or simply for fun. This forms one of the ‘green route’ sections through parks for leisure cyclists, families and commuters. Check the website at
Why your views matter
To confirm the location route of the cycleway through Gumbleberrys Close and from Caldwell Road to Bordesley Green East
What happens next
Following consultation the route of the cycleway will be finalised with the hope to commence on site by July/August 2014
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