Residential Care Centres Consultation October 2024

Closed 20 Dec 2024

Opened 14 Oct 2024


Birmingham City Council currently provides residential care for older people at three Care Centres across Birmingham – the Ann Marie Howes Centre; the Perry Tree Centre; and the Kenrick Centre. We are currently inviting people who live at the Centres, who use the Centres or may use the Centres to help shape the future of these services.

The consultation aims to gain feedback on the options available for the future of the Care Centres and in particular on the preferred option.The preferred option is for the Council to stop operating these services in future and for the Council to support current residents to find a new care home. 

The consultation questionnaire should be read and completed alongside the Care Centres Consultation Document that explains the current service, the outcome of a recent review and the range of options that are being consulted upon.   

Why your views matter

This online survey aims to capture your feedback about the future of our Care Centres.  Please take the time to complete this survey. The information provided will be kept confidential and will only be used to gather your views and feedback.

In-person consultations will also take place with permanent Care Centre residents and their families between 21 October 2024 and 22 November 2024. These will be drop-in sessions so you will not need to book to attend.  A list of the in-person consultations can be found attached.

For further scheduling information and public meetings updates ASC - Care centres public consultation schedule | Birmingham City Council

What happens next

Once the results from the survey's have been collated, we will gather your feedback and let you know about the options that will be presented to cabinet  next year.                                                                                                    

We will endeavour to keep you updated of all developments of the Options Appraisal & our findings.




  • All residents


  • Citizens Satisfaction