DES/Forward 4 Work Service Redesign

Closed 30 Apr 2013

Opened 1 Feb 2013

Feedback updated 10 Apr 2014

We asked

For your views on the Disability Employment Solutions redesign which was aimed at strengthening and focusing the service on current and emerging delivery priorities. Repositioning the service to achieve greater alignment and streamlining of functions resulting in increased productivity, greater efficiencies and improved outcomes for service users. It takes account of the changed policy and funding landscape across the employment and skills arena at a national, regional and local level. It provides the opportunity to respond to the impact of business transformation, efficiencies, financial savings and budget pressures.

You said

That you would like Forward 4 Work to remain open and to continue to do what it does very well; make service standards/improvements required; deliver more work focused training; continue to deliver Work Choice; Improve information and be clear about the services provided.

We did

Taking into full consideration the responses and ongoing dialogue with a range of stakeholders including clients, carers, training providers, DWP and voluntary sector providers we implemented a service redesign process that resulted in a more streamlined, efficient service focussing on the individual needs of clients. Principally this has involved making full use of the Work Choice contract where appropriate. Following a series of individual review meetings involving staff, client and carers we have been able to effectively transition existing service users to alternative service provision. Adults & Communities are delivering services to people with disabilities with high level support needs and is offering daycentre provision utilising personal budgets from the Inkerman Street site. The Work Choice programme has increased and now supports over 100 disabled people into training, work experience, work trials, apprenticeships and employment.

Results updated 10 Apr 2014

Examples of the specific consultation work undertaken as part of the service redesign process with service users included:

A facilitated event  for Service users, their carers and stakeholders on 12 February 2013

  • A consultation event on 30 April 2013 during which external facilitation was utilised to maximise the participation and contribution of all staff, carers and other stakeholders.
  • An easy read version of the consultation and a feedback questionnaire were provided at events, via post and on the Be Heard website.
  • On the 30 April 2013 there was the opportunity for further discussion and questions. Following the event a copy of all questions and their answers were emailed or posted out to all consultation participants.
  • On 21 May 2013 further staff and client consultation meetings were held.
  •  A number of stakeholder organisations with a specialist interest in employment support for disabled people were consulted with or participated in discussions and feedback, to provide strategic guidance and support to this service redesign.


Recommendations and responses from the Service User/Stakeholder Consultation facilitated by BVSC



Put more emphasis on quality improvement, as people tend to think the review is driven by spending cuts only



The new service will be designed to offer a high quality service to support more currently unemployed disabled people into training, work experience, work trials, apprenticeships and employment.

Draw up a timed Review and Transition Plan, so everyone can see what is intended. Make sure to include strategies for change management


Each client engaged with the service underwent a joint review which included staff and carers to review and plan a way forward for transition to alternative provision in a supported and sensitive manner.

Set up a panel to act as a reference group for the review and redesign, involving for example representatives from DES, trainees, carers, staff, local communities, other relevant or specialist TSOs, the colleges and other providers

Consultation and dialogue undertaken through the process.


Work with the staff group to identify and support those who will embrace and champion change


New staffing structure put in place, implemented from July 2013.  The interview process was built upon the principles of the Birmingham Way behaviours and as such the willingness to embrace and champion change was measured through the process.  Staff have settled into their new roles following the service redesign.

Work with those carers and trainees who do see the potential for gains and carry them with you by involving them (co-production) in redesign

Through the consultation and subsequent dialogue with carers and trainees open, honest and timely communication meant that transition planning for the service and for them as service users took into consideration what the new service would focus on and also signposting to alternative provision that may better suit their individual needs.

Engage other stakeholders in the review especially those stakeholders that might become providers and those that understand and will champion the people affected

Through the process a wide range of stakeholders were consulted to ensure that all considerations were made for the effective transition of clients to alternative provision. 

Provide reassurances that there will still be a service after redesign and that it will be better

Post service redesign our intention is to provide an ‘Exemplar Service’ that is recognised both regionally and nationally providing focussed and individualised support with training for an increased number of clients and improved access into employment.

Move the review forward by providing examples and illustrations of the sort of service that might replace F4W. Practical case studies will help everyone to see where the improvement will be

The new service will be based principally around the model of moving people towards training, work experience, work trials and employment on a 1 to 1 basis accessing training through the provision available within the wider training community.  Those with higher needs or who are not actively seeking employment can be signposted to Adults & Communities provision, those wishing to move towards economic activity can be referred to the Work Choice programme.

In the redesign, pay more attention to links with local employers and access to real job vacancies

Stronger links to the wider Employment Division, Employment Development Officer support and a strong business engagement portfolio will link with local employers providing access to upskilling, pre-employment training and employment opportunities. 

Enable a dialogue (and other contact such as taster sessions) between main stream establishments and the people affected, both to grow confidence in the new providers’ competence, and to secure providers’ commitment to the F4W client group

Clients that transition will be fully supported through the process.

Enable new providers to demonstrate to trainees and their families that they are willing and able to provide a high quality service

As clients go through the process of transition their carers will be fully involved as necessary to demonstrate that the new providers are able to provide a service that meets the needs of the individual.

Provide guarantees that the new service(s) will be closely monitored and that action will be taken if/where they fail trainees.

The new service will be subject to continuous reviews and audits to ensure that quality of provision is built into the service delivery to individuals.

Guarantee that only providers that prove themselves competent and suitable for vulnerable trainees will be used

As BCC we would only signpost clients to appropriate and quality provision.

Start to draw up person centred progression plans and make sure that a system for monitoring individual progress is in place.

Each client will have an individual transition plan and the support will be focussed on their individual needs, specific barriers and aspirations.  The activity and progression will be tracked and updated regularly.

Make sure the service is designed in line with Compact, Equalities legislation, and BCC’s own Commissioning and Procurement Regulations.

All relevant policies and procedures have been followed in the design of the new service including a full EINA.

If community asset transfer and charitable status are options, discuss this with people, setting out transparently the costs, commitment and responsibilities

The potential for Community asset and charitable status options were considered.  Due to a parallel redesign and streamlining of Adults & Communities provision the City Council had recourse to retain Inkerman Street to meet its own business delivery and service user requirements. 



Disability Employment Solutions redesign is aimed at strengthening and focusing the service on current and emerging delivery priorities. Repositioning the service to achieve greater alignment and streamlining of functions resulting in increased productivity, greater efficiencies and improved outcomes for service users. It takes account of the changed policy and funding landscape across the employment and skills arena at a national, regional and local level. It provides the opportunity to respond to the impact of business transformation, efficiencies, financial savings and budget pressures.

Please read the Consultation Summary below and then print off and complete the Questionnaire and return to us via the various options given on Page 2. If you wish to add anything further then please use the Online Survey under the Give Us Your Views heading.




  • SOHO


  • Carers
  • Disabled people
  • People with Disabilities
  • People with Learning Disabilities


  • Spending
  • Care & Support for Adults
  • Business
  • Training
  • Employment