Central Ladywood Parking Scheme

Closed 11 Dec 2015

Opened 2 Nov 2015

Feedback updated 9 Aug 2016

We asked

We asked for your views on the proposals for a Controlled Parking Zone in Central Ladywood. 

You said

169 responses were received; an overall response rate of 7.1%.

We did

We have assessed the responses and we are reviewing the proposals, in consultation with the Cabinet Member and ward Councillors.




Located in the heart of Birmingham, Ladywood is in close proximity to the Birmingham’s Broad Street, Barclaycard Arena and City Centre. There is therefore a high demand for parking which impacts on residents and other visitors to the area. We would like to propose a scheme which could help manage on-street parking for a wide variety of users including residents, visitors, workers and shoppers.

A consultation was first held in 2013, where 73% of respondents in Ladywood and 82% of respondents in the nearby St Marks area were in favour of parking controls. We have reviewed the issues raised and now have the opportunity to carry out further informal consultation to understand what people who live, work and visit Ladywood think about the current parking situation and what proposals they would like to see.

The map below shows the area covered by the parking scheme. Detailed plans for each of the numbered areas are included in the documents attached below.

There are four broad types of parking provision proposed:

  • A. Permit holders only parking: On these roads, parking bays for residents and workers permits could be provided. Visitor permits can be purchased by residents to allow parking in the permit holder bays.
  • B. Payment parking: In some streets close to Broad Street, visitors and shoppers might pay for parking. The parking bays could have a maximum stay period of either 2 or 4 hours to promote a turnover of vehicles and prevent vehicles from parking all day.
  • C. Limited waiting parking: On St Vincent Street West, Morville Street and Gilby Road a 1 hour maximum stay is proposed free of charge. On Guild Close a 3 hour maximum stay is proposed free of charge to cater for visitors to the Family Centre.
  • D. No waiting at any time: A few locations have been identified for the introduction of new waiting restrictions to ensure traffic can flow and emerge safely.

Off-street car parks and private parking areas would not be affected by this scheme and those parking in these areas would not need to display a permit to continue to do so. Permits would only be required for any residents, employees or visitors who want to park on the public highway. Residents are asked to consider the potential impact of displaced parking when responding to the consultation.

Blue Badge holders would also need to display a valid permit to park within a permit area, although their first resident permit would be provided free of charge. Please note that no advisory disabled bays can be marked out within a permit zone and existing road markings would need to be removed.




  • Motor Vehicle Drivers
  • Local Residents
  • Public Sector Bodies
  • Businesses
  • Faith groups
  • Community groups
  • Voluntary Organisations
  • Staff


  • Planning
  • Transport (Including Walking)
  • Travel