Ring Road Junction Improvements at Ashted Circus
Feedback updated 9 Oct 2017
We asked
We asked for your comments on the changes at Ashted Circus which consists of converting the roundabout to a signalised cross road junction and filling the central island of the roundabout, removal of pedestrian subways and approach ramps, providing at grade footway, signal controlled pedestrian crossings and right turn only lanes on all the four arms of the junction.
You said
A number of comments were received.
‘Need to consider how proposals tie into proposed Birmingham Cycle Revolution route on Nechells Parkway.’
‘Incorporate Shared use Toucans’
‘Support removing Subways and making crossing At-Grade’
‘Traffic Lights can cause congestion!’
We did
We have worked closely with the Birmingham Cycle Revolution delivery team to ensure that proposals for both schemes tie in together.
We are undertaking further modelling works at the junction to confirm the Journey time savings for users.
Information about scheme delivery is at www.birmingham.gov.uk/ashted-circus.
Birmingham City Council has secured ‘Local Pinch Point’ and ‘Local Growth Fund’ funding from Central Government to deliver an improved junction at Ashted Circus. The improvements aim to better manage traffic flow to support economic growth and connectivity between the city centre and the wider area.
Junction Improvements at Ashted Circus
We are seeking to make major changes at Ashted Circus in 2016 as follows and shown on drawing no CA-02569-S1-002, Rev-:
- Converting the roundabout to a signalised cross road junction and filling the central island of the roundabout, removal of pedestrian subways and approach ramps.
- Providing at grade footway, signal controlled pedestrian crossings and right turn only lanes on all the four arms of the junction. Prohibiting U-Turns at the junction.
- Providing cycle lane on B4114 Jennens Road (inbound & outbound) and on A47 Nechells Parkway (inbound).
- Providing unsegregated shared use footway/cycleway to connect to the existing advisory cycle routes shown on drawing no CA-02569-S1-006, Rev-.
- Providing double yellow lines at Windsor Street South/ Nechells Parkway Junction.
- Removal of parking bay on A47 Nechells Parkway.
- Removal of trees and shrubs from the areas shown on drawing no CA-02569-S1-002, Rev-. Providing landscaping including planting of trees in the new verge areas.
The Council would like to hear your views on these preliminary proposals and would be grateful if you could attend the public consultation exhibition on 11th Feb 2015 from 4pm to 8pm at Nechells Community Sports Centre, Rupert Street, Nechells, Birmingham, B7 5DT, T: 0121 464 4373.
If you would like to discuss these proposals further, please contact myself Kieran Boyle on 0121 675 4405 or email me at: transport.projects@birmingham.gov.uk. Comments can also be provided in writing at Birmingham City Council, PO Box 16719, Birmingham B2 2GA. We would be grateful if you could give us your feedback and respond by no later than 28th Feb 2015.
Following consultation feedback, it is likely that the scheme details could change which may affect you. It is not always viable to consult of any future changes arising from this consultation. However, any changes made to the proposals will be posted on the website www.birminghambeheard.org.uk. If you would specifically like to be kept advised of any changes either by email or post, please let us know and provide your email or postal address.
The data that you provide is subject to the Data Protection Act 1998, and will be used by Birmingham City Council for the purpose of Ashted Circus Junction Improvements Scheme only.
Public Consultation Exhibitions - Ashted Circus
From 11 Feb 2015 at 16:00 to 11 Feb 2015 at 20:00We are now seeking the views of the members of the public and businesses on the proposals for Ashted Circus. Public exhibition for this schemes will be carried out at Nechells Community Sports Centr, Rupert Street, Nechells, Birmingham, B7 5DT, Tel: 0121 464 4373 and you are invited to attend to discuss your views.
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