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1241 results

  • Birmingham Children's Trust Foster Carers Support service

    Birmingham Children’s Trust (BCT) Fostering agency is an Independent fostering agency and is wholly owned by Birmingham’s Children Trust. Currently there are around 570 approved foster carer households providing family foster placements to around 897 looked after children on behalf of BCT. We have around 184 approved related foster carers (family and friends foster carers, including regulation 24 temporary approved) and 386 mainstream foster carers (including step up, EDT). We seek... More
    Closed 30 March 2023
  • Sprint Phase 2 consultation

    Sprint is a new, modern, high quality public transport service. It runs on the road, with dedicated bus lanes and priority through areas of congestion, which will make the journey times much more reliable. With Phase 1 now complete we’re moving on to the second phase. This will complete the Sprint corridor to Walsall and Solihull with work expected to begin in 2024. This consultation is in Birmingham only. We will begin engaging local residents and stakeholders in... More
    Closed 24 March 2023
  • Expression of interest Survey for Customer Services Panel

    Please complete this survey to help us understand how you will help shape the Customer Services Panel for Birmingham City Council. More
    Closed 23 March 2023
  • School Organisation SOT10189 KHBS Single sex to Co-ed 2023 pre-pub

    Proposal to Make Changes to Kings Heath Boys: Birmingham City Council is consulting on a draft proposal to make the following change to the school, a community school located at Chamberlain Road, Kings Heath, Birmingham, B13 0QP: Change from a single sex (boys) school to a co-educational (mixed sex) The details and reasons for this change are explained in the complete proposal document attached at the bottom of this consultation webpage. More
    Closed 16 March 2023
  • Queslett Nature Reserve - Potential Improvements

    Birmingham City Council would like to seek your views on environmental improvement works we would like to carry out at Queslett Nature Reserve. The proposed scheme includes removal of part of the existing metal fence to improve the access to the existing woodland adjacent to the site; planting new memorial trees; tree works to ensure secure environment for park users to enjoy, rename the ‘Asda Way’ as ‘Linnecor Way’ and install a memorial signage to... More
    Closed 3 March 2023
  • Adderley Park Public Open Space - Landscape Improvements

    The consultation has been extended a further 28 days and now closes on the 28th February. Birmingham City Council's Landscape Practice Group in partnership with the Council's Planning Department, have been commissioned to produce a long term masterplan for Adderley Park in East Birmingham. Adderley Park, famous as the first formal park in Birmingham is highlighted as an area in need of environmental improvement in the wider Bordesley Park Area Action Plan, and the East... More
    Closed 28 February 2023
  • School Organisation SOT10188 Hamilton - Jan 2023

    Proposal to Make Changes to Hamilton School: Governing Board is consulting on a proposal to make the following change to the school, a Foundation Special school school located at Hamilton Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, B21 8AH Alter the age range from 4 – 11 years to 4 – 13 years. Effective from 1 st September 2023 to 31 st August 2025. The details and reasons for this change are explained in the complete proposal document attached at the... More
    Closed 7 February 2023
  • Dudley Road Phase 5 - Lee Bridge to Western Road: Traffic Regulation Orders

    The A457 Dudley Road/Spring Hill corridor forms part of Birmingham’s Strategic Highway Network and provides a key arterial route from the Black Country into central Birmingham. The road is heavily used by both local and through traffic and forms part of the emergency vehicle route to the M5 Motorway. Delays as a result of congestion significantly add to business costs and discourage firms from investing and locating in this area, as well as adversely impacting on... More
    Closed 31 January 2023
  • Reddings Lane Park

    The challenges and opportunities for Reddings Lane Park were discussed at the Hall Green North Ward Forum on 10 th December at Tyseley Community Centre and following this we would like to seek your views on the potential improvements to Reddings Lane Park, also known as Greet Recreation Ground, at Reddings Lane, Tyseley. Current Issues : Fly-tipping; Antisocial behaviour; Safer surfacing of the play area requires improvements; ... More
    Closed 30 January 2023
  • Birmingham Skills Offer: meeting the needs of current and future employment opportunities

    How can young people in Birmingham be supported to gain the skills they need to take advantage of the current and future job opportunities in the City? Birmingham City Council’s Economy and Skills Overview and Scrutiny Committee is carrying out an Inquiry on employment and skills for young people. The members of the Inquiry Task and Finish Group would like to hear your views. The Inquiry will produce a public report that will make recommendations that will be... More
    Closed 29 January 2023
  • Proposed Local Authority Admission Arrangements and Published Admissions Numbers for September 2024/2025

    Birmingham City Council consults on the proposed published admission arrangements and proposed published admissions numbers for community and voluntary controlled schools as their admissions authority. More
    Closed 23 January 2023
  • Small Heath Park Potential Landscape Improvements

    We would like to seek your views on a number of potential landscape improvements to Small Heath Park. While the existing park has many great features, there are currently some exciting opportunities available for further improvement and enhancement of the park’s facilities. Please refer to the attached plan for an overview of the potential landscape improvements proposed, together with a short description of each element which is included below. Please take some time to read through... More
    Closed 22 January 2023
  • Health & Wellbeing Legacy of the Commonwealth Games

    Birmingham City Council is undertaking a Scrutiny Inquiry to explore the Health and Wellbeing legacy of Commonwealth Games 2022 for the disabled community. We want to understand how the Commonwealth Games has improved access to sport and physical activity for disabled residents. We are also interested in how the Commonwealth Games has improved the experience of watching sport. Councillors intend to make recommendations to make sport and physical activity in Birmingham more inclusive... More
    Closed 13 January 2023
  • Cross city bus – B4135 Summer Hill Rd/Sand Pits etc. Traffic Regulation Order consultation

    To combat increasing delays caused by congestion we need to make sure that public transport is constantly improving to make journeys quicker, easier and more reliable. This scheme is part of a wider package of measures being delivered across the West Midlands aimed at providing greater bus priority. Buses have a huge part to play in helping achieve these visions. Transport for West Midlands, part of the West Midlands Combined Authority, and Birmingham City Council are working together to... More
    Closed 12 January 2023
  • Healthy Ageing Survey

    Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Birmingham City Council's Public Health Team are looking to find out more about what matters to the people of Birmingham when getting older. The results of this survey will help us to prioritise work that matters most to you and your lives and ensure services are best placed to meet your needs. Your participation is entirely voluntary, and you can withdraw at any time. All responses are confidential and anonymous and all data... More
    Closed 31 December 2022
  • Moving Traffic Enforcement consultation

    From 31 May 2022, local authorities in England outside of London have been able to apply to the Secretary of State for new powers to enforce ‘moving traffic offences’ and will be able to issue fines to drivers for these offences for the first time. These are powers that have previously only been held by the police and form Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004. Birmingham City Council is planning to use these new powers to improve safety, tackle... More
    Closed 26 December 2022
  • Foster Carer Feedback Survey 2022

    Complete today for a chance to win £50 of vouchers! Every year we ask for your feedback so we know how well we are working with you, and supporting you and your foster children. We use the feedback you give us to understand what we are doing well and where we can make improvements. The following survey is completely confidential. If you would be happy to be contacted if we feel that you we could further support you, please leave your name and email address when prompted at the... More
    Closed 25 December 2022
  • Reducing Parental Conflict: Intervention and confidence mapping

    This is a short stakeholder survey about reducing parental conflict (RPC) interventions available in Birmingham. Birmingham Children’s Trust are working with partners locally and nationally to support the development of an RPC agenda to support healthy relationships in families. What should be included? The survey should be completed for all interventions and support services in Birmingham that aim to reduce the impact of parental conflict on children. This... More
    Closed 19 December 2022
  • School Organisation St Patrick’s & St Edmund’s Amalgamation SOT10177 & SOT10178 Stat-pub

    Proposal to Make Changes to St Patrick & St Edmund: Birmingham City Council with the Govering Body is consulting on a draft proposal to make the following change to the school(s), a voluntary aided school located at St Edmund’s Catholic Primary School of Rosebery Street, Birmingham, B18 7PA and St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School of Dudley Road, Ladywood, Birmingham, B18 7QW : Discontinue St Edmund’s Catholic Primary School; Alter the age range of... More
    Closed 16 December 2022
  • Sheldon Country Park - informal consultation on proposed parking charges

    Birmingham City Council is facing an increasingly challenging budget position. As part of the City Council budget for 2022/23, Street Scene & Parks has been asked to make a significant contribution to the saving. To mitigate the impact of potential reductions in grounds maintenance of parks and open spaces we are looking at opportunities to generate income. The income from the proposed parking charges will be ringfenced and reinvested into the park for the maintenance of the car park/s,... More
    Closed 4 December 2022
  • Woodgate Valley Country Park - informal consultation on proposed parking charges

    Birmingham City Council is facing an increasingly challenging budget position. As part of the City Council budget for 2022/23, Street Scene & Parks has been asked to make a significant contribution to the saving. To mitigate the impact of potential reductions in grounds maintenance of parks and open spaces we are looking at opportunities to generate income. The income from the proposed parking charges will be ringfenced and reinvested into the park for the maintenance of the car park/s,... More
    Closed 4 December 2022
  • Lickey Hills Country Park - informal consultation on proposed parking charges

    Birmingham City Council is facing an increasingly challenging budget position. As part of the City Council budget for 2022/23, Street Scene & Parks has been asked to make a significant contribution to the saving. To mitigate the impact of potential reductions in grounds maintenance of parks and open spaces we are looking at opportunities to generate income. The income from the proposed parking charges will be ringfenced and reinvested into the park for the maintenance of the car park/s,... More
    Closed 4 December 2022
  • Birmingham Parks Survey 2022

    The survey is carried out every two years to find out satisfaction levels with local parks and what improvements park users would like to see. More
    Closed 30 November 2022
  • A435 Alcester Road South Bus Priority

    We have added an online event where you can find out more about the scheme proposals and ask any questions you may have. More details regarding the event can be found in the 'Events' section at the bottom of this page. To combat increasing delays caused by congestion we need to make sure that public transport is constantly improving to make journeys quicker, easier and more reliable. This scheme is part of a wider package of measures being delivered across the West Midlands aimed at... More
    Closed 25 November 2022
  • Dudley Road Phase 4 - Winson Green Road/Heath Street: Traffic Regulation Orders

    Over the next few years, a lot of new housing will be built near Dudley Road, increasing the number of people wanting to travel in the area. Walking, cycling and public transport are vital tools in the difficult tasks of solving congestion, air quality and our climate crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has also changed people’s habits and further highlighted the importance of walking and cycling as safe and sustainable ways to travel. We are therefore planning to improve the Winson... More
    Closed 21 November 2022
  • Autism Support Services

    Birmingham’s Supporting Families programme is a response to the Governments Supporting Families grant. The Supporting Families Programme provides targeted interventions for families experiencing multiple problems including domestic abuse, crime and antisocial behaviour, poor school attendance, unemployment, mental and physical health and children in need of help and protection. The key principles of the Supporting Families Programme include the following: •... More
    Closed 4 November 2022
  • Broad Street and side streets proposed changes - informal consultation

    The Birmingham Edgbaston Metro extension, bringing trams from Centenary Square (the Library) to Hagley Road, opened on Sunday 17 July 2022. A critical part of the Metro scheme was the removal of any waiting or loading area on Broad Street that would obstruct tram and bus services. Our work with local stakeholders, through the Westside Business Improvement District has highlighted the need to make changes to the proposals for the side streets close to Broad Street to accommodate... More
    Closed 4 November 2022
  • Housing Strategy 2022-2027

    The Housing Strategy is a high-level plan that sets the course for our services to develop in partnership in the coming years, whilst drilling down into those priorities to provide a detailed roadmap that will enable us to achieve our aims. It sets out our vision for housing, with inclusive actions the Council and partners will deliver and that are designed to ensure we meet the housing aspirations of our residents. We aim to set out an approach that delivers plans to accelerate housing... More
    Closed 31 October 2022
  • Post Commonwealth Games Residents Survey

    An unforgettable summer: We want to hear your thoughts on Birmingham 2022 In July and August 2022, Birmingham hosted the 22 nd edition of the Commonwealth Games. It was an unforgettable festival of sport, culture and Brummie hospitality. Nearly half the UK tuned in or turned up to the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games, with a new poll showing eight in 10 people saying it gave the country the chance to celebrate. As summer... More
    Closed 27 October 2022
  • Car Free School Streets: Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (April 2022)

    Car Free School Streets mean streets outside certain schools are closed to motor traffic at the start and end of the school day. This is a pilot scheme to reduce congestion and improve air quality at the school gates as well as making it easier and safer to walk or cycle to school. This scheme aims to: cut down on traffic and parking pressures outside schools discourage car journeys to school and encourage walking and cycling make the streets outside schools safer at the... More
    Closed 25 October 2022
1241 results. Page 4 of 42