Birmingham Cycle Revolution Design Guidance

Closed 15 Aug 2014

Opened 14 Jul 2014

Feedback updated 11 Aug 2015

We asked

we are consulting on a Birmingham Cycling Design Guidance document, intended to set out standards for the construction of cycling infrastructure in the city

You said

Your (23) responses were gratefully received and will form part of the decision making process.

We did

The Cycling Consultations that took place have formed the Birmingham Bike Scheme, which went live in April. If you would like more information please email:


we are consulting on a Birmingham Cycling Design Guidance document, intended to set out standards for the construction of cycling infrastructure in the city:

View full Cycling Design Guidance document.

A wide range of cycling design guidance exists for UK and Continental conditions however it is dispersed and not officially endorsed by Birmingham City Council. To demonstrate a commitment to cycling and high quality design of cycling infrastructure, the we have brought existing best design practice together in this draft consultation document ‘Birmingham Cycling Design Guidance’.

This guidance will be used as the basis for providing cycling facilities in Birmingham by the city’s own highway designers and engineers and by others who undertake work on our transport infrastructure.

We would welcome any views you might have on this draft document that we can consider in the production of a final design guide. We would welcome general comments or specific comments on any of the numbered sections. Cycle design is an evolving field and this document will be updated as new techniques and standards are developed.

This guidance sets out good practice in designing for cycling in different circumstances. It starts by considering what are the ideal conditions for cycling but also investigates options for what can be achieved within constraints of existing highway boundaries and traffic conditions.

We gratefully acknowledge the cooperation of other Cycle Ambition grant recipient cities, Transport for London and the Welsh Government for sharing information, in particular Transport for Greater Manchester for preparing the original materials for the technical drawings appendix.

Birmingham Cycle Revolution

Birmingham Cycle Revolution is an exciting 20-year initiative to encourage more people to cycle in and around the city: making Birmingham a healthier, greener, safer and less congested city.




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  • cycling